How I can make a basic inventory with "Use", "Drop", and "Cancel"?

i dont know, how i can make inventory with 5 slots, :frowning:

Your question is way too open for the answerhub. Try searching on Google/YouTube. Actually I’m sure I saw a tutorial on how to make an inventory on YouTube a month back or so. Try that and come back here if you get stuck :slight_smile:

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I tried, but this is not working for me, i cant plug in a “MyCharacter” in “target”

Try this: Instead of using get player character, use “get player pawn” and cast it to your character blueprint. You may be using a different template which might use a different type of player actor. Also, here is the video series for UMG in 4.8, which should be a bit newer…

No, I can’t plug in “MyCharacter” into “Target”

-Sorry :frowning: