Systematic crashing issue 4.8.2

Hi, I’m experiancing crashes every time I try to place some rock meshes into my landscape, I have my own folder for my project, but I’m actually bringing rock meshes from the KiteDemo package into my work, some of them don’t give any problems, but with some others the editor freezes for at least 10 seconds or more, then a message pops up, forcing me to close everything, loosing some critical work, sometimes. What could be wrong? TNX


Hey Deimos2K15,

In order to truly look at your logs and in order to understand why you are receiving a running out of memory error I will need your machine ID. This will allow me look through our database of crashes and find yours.

It will be inside the crash reporter. I will need this and for you to report this error, so in truth recreate your crash.

The other question I have for you is did you download from a boy and his kite or open world demo.

Many of the meshes inside of the open world demo have very high light map resolutions and the geometry has not been optimized.


Hey Deimos,

I haven’t heard from you yet.

I was wondering if you were still experiencing this error?


Hey Deimos2k15,

Due to inactivity I am going to answer this out. If you are still experiencing this crash. Please recreate the steps I posted first and I will look back into why UE4 is crashing.


Hi, sorry for the extremely late response of mine, I’ve been very busy in the past three weeks, plus I was a little bit frustrated by the very same issue I’ve posted before, but now I’m back online and determined to resolve this problem. As you request, I will recreate the problem and search for my machine ID, eventually will post another thread about this, with logs updated and whatever is needed attached.
Tnx for your patience.