Delay's keep working in inactive tasks. Surely this is a bug?

So if you have a delay in a behavior tree task, and then the task is aborted, or finishes, the delay will actually still fire and trigger things.

Surely this is a bug? Shouldn’t inactive tasks be, well, inactive?

This is actually an engine bug that I came across a couple weeks ago. Epic is aware of it, and they say it will be coming in a coming 4.8 update.

Are you building C++ for your project? If so, Mieszko from Epic gave me the following fix for the function FLatentActionManager::ProcessLatentActions (in LatentActionManager.cpp). Replace the piece of code that looks very similar to the chunk below:

for (FActionsForObject::TIterator It(ActionsToRemoveMap); It; ++It)
		auto ActionList = GetActionListForObject(It.Key());     // Here was the bug! Passing in It.Key() fixes it.
		auto ActionToRemoveListPtr = It.Value();
		if (ActionToRemoveListPtr.IsValid() && ActionList)
			for (auto PendingActionToKill : *ActionToRemoveListPtr)
				const int32 RemovedNum = ActionList->RemoveSingle(PendingActionToKill.Key, PendingActionToKill.Value);
				auto Action = PendingActionToKill.Value;
				if (RemovedNum && Action)
					delete Action;

Or just hold tight for that update!

By the way, a side effect of this same bug was that some random delay somewhere else in the running game was likely being silently canceled.