Getting bone transforms on dedicated server?

I’ve noticed that the server copy of the actor’s mesh seems to stand in a stationary pose when the client copy is crouching, even though the crouch animation is driven by the CharacterMovementComponent’s built in replicating variables. I’ve gathered that animations don’t run on the server (although I’ve had a hard time re-finding where I read that), but I’m not sure how to get around that. With player characters, I know I can pass data from the autonomous proxy to the authority copy, but that doesn’t work with the AI who only exist as simulated proxies and authority copies.

This particular issue is getting in the way of implementing headshots, for context. I have a volume attached to a socket on the head’s bone, but since the bone stays in the same relative place on the server a player shooting at the head they see on a crouched character won’t actually hit the head, since the trace for shooting is also on the server (and I’ve already run into issues trying to do a client side trace and passing the info onto the server).