SubSurfaceProfile Color is the Complementary Color

the titel says all…
the SubSurfaceProfile Subsurface and Falloff Colors are the selected colors complementary colors…

material setup:


  • the sub surface scattering is not working at all
  • also tested in version 4.7.6

Hey pankermann,

Take a read over the Subsurface Profile Shading Model documentation. You seem to be misunderstanding how the color is defined for subsurface profiles. When using the Subsurface profile sliders, values closer to white will have a more pronounced effect as white is an indication of the amount light allowed to be scattered across the material.

Subsurface Documentation

Read over the entirety of the documentation as it explains the technical details, tips and tricks, and known limitations of the Subsurface Scattering currently in place in the engine. Below are the results and my set up.

Subsurface Profile Material

The surface appears pink as I have already applied my Subsurface Profile and the default settings use a skin color.

Subsurface Scattering

Just an example of Subsurface Color and Falloff Color.

Thank you,

yeah i followed the articles to create the files… but as you can see in the screenshot i posted. the first teapot is the has a scatter radius of 50, with the default colors, the second one has the same settings but with full red falloff color but the teapot to be cyan, the third on has a falloff color of cyan but appears red?? now look again at the first teapot and the fourth one, the last one with the purple-ish subsurface color looks very warm more like yellow. this cant be how its supposed to be…

and here the other thing i wrote that the subsurface scattering is not working right for me… (you can see on the left edge another sss shader model material which is looking better)

Can you reproduce it or do you need more infos?
and sorry i posted this on the answerhub, this was suppose to be on the UDN…
should i repost this issue again or can we move it?

If you are using a power node, you are increasing the contrast and changing the Base Color which needs to be white and not a dark grey. In the future, if you are enabled to post on the UDN, please do so as we guarantee support for our licensees within a 24 hour timeframe.

I am not getting the same results you are seeing, and it has to be attributed to your set up versus mine. Try using a material instance and setting the values within there while you edit the Subsurface Profile as well. You will notice that when you edit the Opacity and set it to 1 (Subsurface Amount) and the Base Color (white) your results will change.

Be sure not to confuse the differences between the subsurface shading model and the subsurface profile. They produce a similar effect, but function a bit differently.

Thank you,