Setting a C++ member reference from a Blueprint


I am trying to create a teleporter to learn the interaction between BPs and C++.
Therefore, I created the Teleporter class, which is a subclass of AActor.
Since you always need two teleporters to telport to another location every Teleporter stores a reference to another one.

Afterwards, I created the Teleporter_BP which is a blueprint and a subclass of my freshly created Teleporter.
Now I would like to set the references to other teleporters by setting the “Default Value” in the Blueprint Editor. It shows the available Teleporters which I placed within the level but selecting them does nothing. It jumps back to “None”. What am I doing wrong?

And how could I get a reference to another Teleporter just by using code (without any Blueprints)?

Thank you.

class ROLLINGDEMO_API ATeleporter : public AActor
	// Sets default values for this actor's properties

	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
	class ATeleporter* pTargetTeleporter;