Play camera shake not working

Hi, i have been using Play camera shake nodes on my player controller for a while and it has been working fine. However lately it seemed to have stopped working. I can see something happening when i execute it per tick(i know im not suposed to) But only calling it once will make it stop the next frame or at least not loop (the osc duration is -1)

It’s not only this blueprint, but others as well. So it has to be something global, like gamemode or project settings.
What happened? :frowning:


If you unplug the New Var, and use the drop down to choose your Camera Shake BP, it still does not work?

Just made this and works fine.



Camera Shake BP


Duration = -1 second?

In the value comment it says -1 is indefinite, so it would just keep looping.

Yep i already found out it worked with a positive value for the duration. But it wont loop with a negative value. I think it’s a bug.


could you not just put a massive positive number in like 20mill?

just tested it works infinite @ -1 when triggered using the ‘PlayWorldCameraShake’ Node

Ohh, so Play World Camera Shake works, but not Client Play Camera Shake.

When I tested it, Client version moved like so minor I had hard seeing it, but could not get it to loop.

Yea that’s my workaround now (including timer of same to replay the shake)

It didnt play for me at all, but it did when entering a normal duration value.

Using 4.16 and seems fixed