Possible to play AnimMontage in Player Blueprint in Network?

I have an player blueprint I made that I want to re use for multiplayer. The problem is the client side won’t play the animMontage. The root motion kicks in but the animation doesn’t. I can get it to work using animgraph but the player blueprint I want has animMontage called from the player blueprint not the AnimGraph. Is there a way to play to get the animation to play in blueprint or do I have to rework everything?

If anyone ever needs this. You first must run the montage from Run On Server then call a custom Multicast event that well also play the montage.

Run On Server Event → Play AnimMontage → Call Custome MultiCast Event

Custome MultiCast Event → Play AnimMontage

Thanks, you can also simply run the ‘Custom Multicast Event’ event from the ‘Run On Server Event’ without the need to also run the ‘Play AnimMontage’ function.:

Run On Server Event → Call Custom Multicast Event
Custom Multicast Event → Play AnimMontage

Since the ‘Custom Multicast Event’ will run the ‘Play Anim Montage’ in the server anyway, so you won’t need to waste more CPU, in case you want super optimization.