How to prevent editor from renaming objects


How can I prevent UE editor from renaming objects ? For example - I have some objects that have TopDownCharacter blueprint. The blueprint itself has a number of components. If I change something inside the blueprint, like maybe values on one of the components, it seems that the editor recompiles the objects, but it also renames them. So for example if I had named a character “Player” previously, after this it will change it’s ID name to TopDownCharacter_C_2 for example (but it leaves it’s editor label as “Player” - I don’t care about that one though, I use “ID name” in code). Some of my logic depends on certain characters having a specific name (for example - it needs to persist that it has seen a certain character, etc, and it does this by name), so I’d like to prevent this from happening. Any ideas ? Thanks

Hey -

The easiest solution that comes to mind would be to use a child of the blueprint you’re editing. So if your blueprint is “Player” then you can create “Player_child” to use in the game. Anytime you need to change something in the blueprint you can change Player without having to touch Player_child. This should allow you to make changes without having to worry about the name of your object changing. The downside to this option would be the extra assets necessary.


Interesting. Ok, I’ll try that. Thanks once again!