Item pickup falling through floor

I’m working on an inventory pickup system. Part of this will require turning on ‘simulate physics’ to allow dropped items to fall to the floor. Unfortunately, the current result is that the item will fall right through the floor instead.

I found some other posts with similar problems, but I haven’t been able to use any of them to fix my problem. The floor should be fine, as I’m using the FPS template, and the pawn and other physics bodies don’t fall through the floor.

I think the problem might be related to the component structure, since I’m not positive I have that correct. Right now I’m using a CollisionComp (a USphereComponent) with 2 children, a pickupViewMesh (StaticMesh) and playerViewMesh (SkeletalMesh).

Is what I have for current collision settings, plus the tree. The comp is set to block WorldStatic, which should include the floor. I don’t know if there’s some other setting I need to check to make the collision actually work. I’d appreciate help with this.

Thank you.

I figured it out. Since it was using a new channel, all of the existing channels defaulted to Ignore collision. Changing that fixed the issue.