Dynamic Material Blueprint Make High Ram Usage!

Can anybody help me fix this blueprint please? I have a material on the mesh that dissolves when you get a set distance to the mesh and reverses when you move away. But the more I activate the dynamic dissolve material I made, the more my ram memory goes up (Till it gets too 100% and slows down). I understand that it is because my ram is trying to read the material but is having a hard time doing so. Anyone know of something I can change to make to work better. Thanks

Try use just LOD settings instead of manual material changing, here’s how Skeletal Mesh LODs in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

If you still want find root of problem in your realisation, then try use Profiler Unreal Insights in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation, i didn’t got yet how use it properly due too much numbers of stats it can track, but this should help a lot with proper digging around

Well I made a material to have a fancy transition when dissolving so LODs will not be useful. But I will have a look at the profiler not used it before. Thanks

also check message log when in editor and running game, there’s maybe a problem with engine warning spam, to open log press on top “window”->“developer tools”->“output logs”

a friend had warning spam related to arrays, we could prevent warning, but still don’t sure why it happened, because when warning spammed arrays worked still correct, so we fixed it by adding check to valid indexes in BP before using array elements

Ill try that when am next on the editor, thanks.