Character/object in-game physics


I’m reasonably new to game dev generally. I had some previous experience with CryEngine, but realised that UE4 is more optimised to what genre of game I want to produce (I have watched through all the available tutorials on UnrealEngine’s YouTube page to give me some detailed understanding of the program prior to use). I’m modelling and texturing objects and characters in ZBrush and then importing them out into Maya. If I want to have physics for wind let’s say acting upon hair or long fabrics whether that be the character’s clothes or some curtains, is all this dealt with within the game engine or will I have to pre-configure the environmental influences in Maya. I would make an assumption and say this is done in the game engine, but as I say I am a novice and am likely wrong. If anyone does know in which program I should deal with these ‘physics’, could you also explain how I would go about actually applying these features?

Many thanks,