MSBuild command with PlatformToolset=v120 throws error


I’m setting up a build machine for our project and manual compilation of the PS4 project works fine with Visual Studio 2013.

However, If i run MSBuild command line for the compilation, UE4 build batch file throw out following error:
EXEC : GenerateProjectFiles error : A valid version of Visual Studio does not appear to be installed.

Following is the command line I use:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\Bin>MSBuild “E:\P4Workspaces\MyProject\Main\UE4\UE4.sln” /v:m /p:Configuration=“Development” /t:Games\MyGame:Rebuild /p:Platform=PS4 /p:PlatformToolset=v120

The EXEC error is generated from GetVSComnToolsPath.bat when it tries to get the visual studio InstallDir from registry.

After some digging, i realised that the same command line works if I change the Plarform to Win64 OR removed completely.

For me to compile PS4 through MSBuild, I needed to use “/p:VisualStudioVersion=12.0” instead of “/p:PlatformToolset=v120”.

I just wonder am I missing any trivial step?
