Can't check Hit Actor Tag?

I’m trying to do a Wall Jump with the First Person Character, when the player is jumping, I call a custom event where I do a LineTrace in front of the player, takes the Hit Actor and call Actor Has Tag to see if the wall has a “WallJump” tag. But I get this error:

Error Accessed None ‘CallFunc_BreakHitResult_HitActor2’ from node Branch in graph ‘EventGraph’ in blueprint FirstPersonCharacter

Can’t we get the tag of a Hit Actor? What can I do then?


EDIT : In case you are wondering, it’s HitActor2 because I have a main Line Trace when the player is on the ground. I was trying this with the main Line Trace before and I had the same error.

Well, that was easy! It works! Thank you very much! :smiley:

Can’t tell what you’re missing without seeing your node setup. However, I was having issues with line tracing on tags as well, while it knew the actor had tag(s) it wouldn’t properly filter them and recognize it for me (I haven’t tried since 4.8.x yet though.) What I did was I just created a custom trace marker in the project settings then run the trace using that rather than either of the default “Visibility” and “Camera” traces. Works great for me now. Only downside to that is you can only have 16 custom traces and collisions combined so just got to be smart in how you use them.

You are very welcome! Glad I could help! Would be great if you could accept the answer for me to help out my karma :wink: Thanks!

Sorry for bumping an old thread. But I had this issue myself and I think I figured out what it was. Posting it here so that anyone else that runs in to this might find it.

The error appears when the branch (if actor has tag) is run and there is no actor hit by the linetrace. Hence the “Error Accessed None”.

So I simply did a “cast to character” with object input from hit actor. Before I run the “if actor has tag” on successful cast. Using the as character output as “actor has tag” input target.

This removed the error from my log.

Late to the party but if you want the above to work then you just remove the cast to character node and simply drag hit actor into actor has tag. Right now, your program is confused by because you told it to cast to a character and then look for a property of an actor.

It’s Giving Hit Actor Is None So Check The node “IsValid” then do the hastag It Will Work