Do Beam Particle Targets need Tick updating?

I’ve got a Beam Particle running from a Source in one blueprint to a Target’s socket. That target is a projectile.
Ideally, the beam would follow the projectile, but right now, it’s only going to where the projectile was when the level first started.

When I try to update the location of the Beam’s target variable on a tick, it doesn’t update, and it’s not updating naturally…

Any ideas what might be going on? Is what I’m doing even supported or are beams not dynamic at runtime?

It is definitely possible to update the target of a beam particle, and there is a Unreal tutorial showing how to do it. Check the link below:

You may want to watch previous parts of the tutorial to get the “context” of the above video.

Thanks. Yeah it’s some sort of delay loop. :slight_smile: