How do I get UE4 to generate project files on linux?


I can not get UE4 to generate the project files for Linux any more, But it used to work. Current version is 4.8.3

In this image on the left is a previous project, you can see the CMakeLists.txt and the .kdev4 file and others. On the right is what has been generated since. I have tried 2 billion times (honest) and all it creates is the .uproject file on Linux.

How can I make this work again for a new project?

Wait what? Calling and doesn’t work anymore?

I have had this issue since 4.8.0 where ti will for one project generate the files, but never after that. There are for my projects after building UE4, to build ue4 and workd, and I cand some tiems make a C++ project. But after that if I was to make another project to try something out it wont generate the project files. Part way through it opens the pathto/UnrealEngine/UE4.kdev4 file in a text editor, but does not generate the CMakeList.txt for the new project.

I can delete the Unreal Engine directory and unzip the code from github and rebuild it and then create a project and it “might” make the files for one project, never for any after that some times I need to to the delete, rebuild multiple times to get the project to create C++ files.

What am I doing wrong?

This is apparently same issue as described here:, which is solved by calling /path/to/.uproject -game -engine