Actor Attachment Replication Problem 4.8

Hi guys, I’ve been trying to attach my previous pawn to the new one I’m spawning - which works on the clients side but other clients cannot see the process correctly replicated. Clients see other clients stuck under the new pawn (Vehicle) no matter how much I change the TeleportTo location for the old pawn (Driver). I’ve been experimenting with collision, different RPCs and Teleportation but I haven’t got far in replicating the process properly.

The process is as follows:

1- Player hits F key to run a multicast function to turn off collision, set walking mode to none and set gravity scale to 0 and to run a run on server function on the player controller
2- Player controller function spawns new pawn (Car), sets a few variables for animation replication and runs a multicast function which deals with attachment and teleportation of old pawn (Driver) which is a C++ function
which is:

if (PossessingCar)
TeleportTo(DriverLocation.GetLocation(), DriverLocation.GetRotation().Rotator(), false, true);
AttachRootComponentToActor(InteractingCar, NAME_None, EAttachLocation::KeepRelativeOffset, true);

Alright Chaps, figured out the problem with all this Attachment replication nonsense. Problem is collision, when I was switching collision off nothing was replicating from that end, I kept trying but to no avail up until I created a custom collision preset for the car that overlaps pawn, and now works like a charm. Next step is trying to create a custom collision for the driver instead of pawn and swap out collisions in and out of the car, wish me luck!

Just figured out the collision part, if you change collision from a Rep-Notify function it should work like magic :smiley:

Thanks for this, I was having a similar issue and this solved it!