Newbie question

Hi everyone, I am new to unreal engine and I was checking out some of the blueprints from the content examples to try and get a better understanding of how blueprints work. I am looking at the input examples and while I feel kind of stupid for asking this I can’t seam to figure out where the actual input is coming from. I see that the axis mappings are there and that the pawns are being taken control of by the player but I can’t find where the axis maps are passed from. Can any one help me out?

Thanks and have a nice day.

Hi maskedmonkyman!

I think you might be looking for this: Input in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation

Technically the mappings are set in the default.ini file which can be altered via project settings under “Inputs” but the usual place that people use their input axis events are in the player controller.