Fail to load a *.uasset file with pak file.

link textlink textHello, I have some problems relating to my work here, so please anyone help me out.
Right now I’m working on creating multi-PAK files loader by using UE 4. 8.
First, I made a PAK file by making the UnrealPak from a specific files of the folder.
Second, I tested whether paking of the PAK file has been created correctly by testing an Extract through the UnrealPack.
Third, after making a project for testing, and then, I tried to load the PAK file by using “AsyncPackageStreamer” of the “Moritz-wundke”.

As a result, the PAK file has been mounted, but I was not able to load the files if I tried to load the files of the PAK file.

I apologize if my explanation was not clear, and hopefully you guys can understand.
So, please help me how to fix this issue of loading the files of the PAK file.
FYI, I attached the files that I used for the work.


StreamableManager->RequestAsyncLoad(StreamedAssets, FStreamableDelegate::CreateRaw(this, &FAssetStreamer::OnStreamingCompleteDelegate));
FStreamableManager::StreamInternal(FStringAssetReference const& InTargetName);
Existing->Target = StaticFindObject(UObject::StaticClass(), NULL, *InOutTargetName.ToString());
FStreamableManager::FindInMemory(FStringAssetReference& InOutTargetName, struct FStreamable* Existing)
UObject* StaticFindObject( UClass* ObjectClass, UObject* InObjectPackage, const TCHAR* OrigInName, bool ExactClass ); -> This is the point that function return failed.