Vector Equals in c++


thanks for the quick reply.

no I just want exactly the same behaviour I already have in my bp logic, with the same error tolerance.
but this is somehow not working


I’m currently transforming most of my bp to c++.
I got stuck on some point and I cannot find out what I’m doing different then in the blueprint.
I want to know when my player character is close to the enemy which is possessed by the AIController.
But when I’m transforming the bp to c++ the condition always fails, but in BP it is working, so I think I missed something here

Here is my c++ code

    float maxTolerance = 130.0f
	bool nearEnough = false;
	APlayerController* playerController = UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(GetWorld(), 0);
	FVector aiPawnVector = aiController->GetControlledPawn()->GetActorLocation();
	FVector enemyVector = playerController->GetControlledPawn()->GetActorLocation();
	nearEnough = aiPawnVector.Equals(enemyVector, maxTolerance);

Here is the BP logic which works fine

Thanks for pointing me in the correct direction :slight_smile:

First post was confusing because I had different float tolerance accidently. this was a typo.
I just want to convert exactly the same from bp to c++


You want it to be closer than 150? Then try the following:

nearEnough = (aiPawnVector.DistSquared()) < (maxTolerance * maxTolerance);

Your code looks correct. Debug output the vectors and try to get all components closer than maxTolerance to each other.

you have an static function on c++ FVector::Equals(your vector, tolerance).
So would be something like :
MyLocation.Equals(EnemyLocation, 1.0f) → this gonna return a true or false result.