FBX Import Autodesk Material Tiling

I’m testing importing from Autodesk Inventor via 3DS Max. Recently started using the Autodesk Material Converter script to convert autodesk materials to standard materials and this works fine. The problem I’m having is the texture tiling that is used by Inventor / Autodesk Materials is not being imported into Unreal. I can modify the TexCoord material node and set the tiling manually but this is an extra step I’m hoping to avoid when there are many materials in a scene. I have tried this as a test in the unity engine and the fbx import seems to recognize the tiling so I’m hoping there may some setting or workaround so I can avoid this step importing into Unreal.


That kind of information from Max’s material editor is not imported into the engine. You need to set the tiling in the UV modifier(then collapse the mesh to editable poly)if you want to transfer that information. Or you can just use a Texture Coordinate node in UE4.

Opening the FBX file I found that the info is in there. Is there any hope for a fix so this info can be bought in during import ? I’m guessing this is not something that can be fixed by a non programmer in some editable file.

Texture: 68898208, “Texture::Map #16”, “” {
Type: “TextureVideoClip”
Version: 202
TextureName: “Texture::Map #16
Properties70: {
P: “Translation”, “Vector”, “”, “A”,0.416666656732559,0.416666656732559,0
P: “Scaling”, “Vector”, “”, “A”,0.16666667163372,0.16666667163372,1
P: “UVSet”, “KString”, “”, “”, “UVChannel_1”
P: “UseMaterial”, “bool”, “”, “”,1

Fbx material tiling will be supported in 4.1

Just tried this in 4.1. I see that texture coords are no longer auto applied on import. Material tiling does not as yet seem supported ?

Working now in 4.2 ! Awesome stuff !

how that comes?, I’m in 4.7 and it still not working, can you please describe the workflow in which you have reached your final result?, please, this would help a hopeless man like me :(.

Nothing complicated about the workflow I can explain. Model in Inventor, import into Max, convert materials using the material converter, export fbx and import into Ued. I haven’t done this in a while so maybe it’s not working in 4.7
