Rollercoaster (newbie question)

Hi! I’m trying to achieve a roller coaster in ue4.
Should i start animating an actor, and then attach the player to the mesh??
Is there any documentation about rail shooter game to read?

If you are going to have multiple rails (like different levels or rides) you may want to breakdown what types paths you’re going to be dealing with. Then try to assemble something that is a bit more dynamic/ robust so you can reuse the method you come up with to traverse the rail. You can add the camera as a component to an actor, a pawn, or character class. Look into what each of them have and can do. I’m no expert but each of them have their capabilities and limitations figure out which one you need up front and then assemble a class to have the needed components. It seems like what you would want is the ability to have a path and have the roller coaster follow it. So I would start with that. Then you could just have your actor follow the path you assemble ( if indeed it’s possible)

Thanks for your answer. I will start trying!