Crashing on Startup UE4 4.8.2

Hello everyone, my UE 4.8.2 crashed on startup, updated to 4.8.3 version and error persisted, window that appears is this:

Please how can I fix this?

Thank you all.

Hi cmatiasaraujo,

If you could, please reproduce this crash and copy/paste MachineID here for us, then hit Send so we can look it up in our system. Please also get your dxdiag and attach it here. Thanks!

Hi like this?



That’s number we need, but it’s not showing up in our system. Did you hit Send?

In your dxdiag, click Save Information button. This will let you save it as a txt file. Please attach file in a reply. Thanks!

Ohh right here:


link text

Thanks. I’m still not seeing this in our system. Are you clicking Send button, all way to right, in Crash Reporter window?

Ola, Tive o mesmo problema aqui, usando o windows 10 e windows 8.1, aqui o problema era com incompatibilidade do DirectX e a placa de vídeo, eu fiz o seguinte: desinstalei o driver da Intel, usado a opção remover arquivos, e instalei o drive padrão fornecido pela microsoft, depois instalei a engine 4.8.3, nesse momento já funcionou mas com perda de performa-se.

Pra resolver o problema, fui ao site da Intel, baixei a versão mais nova do driver disponibilizada pela Intel, e reinstalei o driver da placa USANDO O INSTALADOR QUE BAIXEI DA INTEL. agora esta funcionando no windows 10.

Yes I clicked =/

Interessante, eu vou ver se faço isso e dou um reply aqui pra dizer como foi, obrigado :smiley:

Please let us know what happens after you attempt this, it may very well be a graphics driver problem.

Also: what percent does editor crash at during launch?

Hey cmatiasaraujo,

We haven’t heard back from you in a while, so I’m resolving this post for now. If you’re still experiencing this crash, please attempt to update your graphics driver as suggested above, and let us know what happens. Thanks!