How do I disable a blueprint and enable it again

So what I’m trying to do is have my blueprint only run once and then the player is unable to run it again if he overlaps with it again however I also want it to reset if the player overlaps with this other object. So I’ve been trying to use things like do once node but I can’t seem to find a way to reset it if the player overlaps the object. I’ve also tried disabling collisions and then then using blueprint communication to try and reset my other blueprint but nothing seems to work. So how can I make a blueprint only activate once but resets if the player overlaps with another blueprint (which resets the first blueprint).

Update: I know this is difficult to understand so here’s a simpler explanation. I want a trigger to only activate a blue print once then after the player activates it once, he cannot activate it again unless he touches another specific trigger which makes it so the player can activate the first trigger again. Think of it like a DoN with a counter of one so the player can only trigger a certain sequence once unless he overlaps with another trigger which increases the DoN counter to 2 and the player can trigger the sequence a second time. If you still don’t understand can you tell me and I’ll try to explain it clearer.

not sure if I understand what you’re trying to do exactly because it seems simple enough, so maybe I’m not but you can try this:

trigger 1

  1. on trigger one(overlap or whatever) start it with a branch. the true/false for the branch is a bool variable called “trigger one set?”
  2. if trigger one is true, then make the branch for true do nothing, otherwise false runs the ‘event’ or prints string or whatever, once the event is run immediately set the “trigger one set?” bool to true, so that if they try to trigger it again as per point 1, nothing happens. But in addition to setting “trigger one set?” to true,
  3. also set a second bool variable called “trigger two set?” to FALSE (that way when they go to the other trigger it CAN run now since this one just ran)

trigger 2

  • set up same as trigger 1 but reverse the bools (obviously).

hopefully thats basic system of what you’re after?