How to make a fireball and fire rain

I already have the mesh of the ball/stone and for the fire effect, I tweaked the preset particle already present in UE4 to match the stone.

the effect I’m after is to make “rain of fire”, I successfully finished making stones rain from the sky, but I have no idea how to apply the fire effect to each individual stones.

I tried the merge to particle systems together but it wasn’t the one I’m after. What happened was the stones were raining, but the fire effect stayed at the effects marker and did not join each projectile being produced by my particle system.

Any idea on how to make this?

In Content Samples, there is particle scene (Effects). You have essentially few ways around it:

  1. Attach your fire emitter to your rock emitter. (take a look at Ribbon Trails).

  2. You can make it event driven. So So fire trail will be spawned if certain conditions are met.

Most of all. You shouldn’t create separate particle systems for your effect! Contain everything in single system. It will be much easier :wink:


thou by tinkering with the settings I sort of found a longer method than what you responded. thanks for the tip on placing everything on a single system.

what i tried was, i placed the fire(GPU) in the same particle system of the rocks. Then under location module > Initial Emitter Location… worked like a charm…

But I like your method it easier, thanks!