How to make force

How can i make force inline from my character. Like kicking objects.
I have tried to use impulse and force but couldn’t do it. I’m newbie please tell easy as possible, thanks.

Hey again. This is actually my second reply but I forgot that replies get screened and I guess they didn’t like my first reply.

Anyway, making good on what I originally said, I actually did find a very simple solution for this. Tested it out and it does work better that what I had in mind.

You can actually take the forward vector and location of your character and use the line trace do draw a very short line in front of it. Start the trace at the actor location and have it end at (forward vector + some short float (300 worked fine for me)). You can then drag out the “on hit” pin and break it if you want and take the “impact point” pin and apply an impulse there based on the direction you’re facing and a float multiplier.