Leap Motion Hands Really Jittery

So im using the Official Leap Motion Plugin, and when i ad a controller to the scene, the hands are fine. The problem is the hands are in one spot however, when i add them as a component to my characters blueprint, the fingers on the hand are really jittery. It looks like theyre all colliding with each other. Has anybody else had this problem/found a way to fix it?

I had the same issue and i fixed it by doing the following steps:

1.) Create a new blueprint class which inherits from “LeapMotionBoneActor”
2.) Open the new blueprint in the blueprint editor.
3.) Select “PrimitiveComponent” in the “Components” Panel
4.) Open the “Collision” section in the “Details” Panel
5.) Change “Collision Presets” from “BlockAll” to “OverlapAll”
6.) Change the Bone Blueprint to your new BoneActor class in your “LeapMotionController” Component
7.) Compile and save all

Hope that helps!

Also, if you want to still be able to hit physics objects in overlap (non-jittery) mode, simply choose custom instead of Overlap All and Block everything except world static, then Overlap world static. Hope this helps!