How do I sprint using blueprint nodes?

Iv seen other posts that mention a blueprint node called “SET max walk speed”, but it isnt in my blueprint editor. what do i do?

You need to:

  1. In components add Character Movement Component.

  2. In graph editor, drag component you added to graph and choose Get when asked, what to do

  3. Press blue pin, drag and under Variables > Character Movment you will find it.

In case you blueprint inherits from ACharacter, you whould have Movment Component added already. In My Blueprint tab, check Show inherited variables and it will be in Character category.

This is how I have it set up:

Walk speed is set to 175, Run is set to 600.

You can play with it how you like to get your desired results.


Here is mine im very proud it is my first :slight_smile: even has them stop when out of stamina!

What do you have connected to the Branch at the beginning and don’t say “IsRunning” lol

It’s a check to see if character is on the ground or in the air so stamina only work when on ground

“Event Tick” node