Spawn singleton using static class

I created singleton which will be recording actions on the scene. I use Get() method to get this singleton for use where I need it.

ARecordingManager* ARecordingManager::Get()
	if (!Instance) {
		UWorld* World = GetWorld(); // error: illegal call of non-static member function
		if (world) {
			Instance = SpawnActor<ARecordingManager>();
	return Instance;

Problem is that i can’t get world from static class. Is there any static method which would return a pointer to world ?
Or what should I do when I need to have this class available whole game ?

I don’t know how ensure spawning order so I can’t just place this into scene. This need to be available all from start.

Try should work

    void AMyClass::Test(UObject* Context)
    UWorld* World = GEngine->GetWorldFromContextObject(Context)
    // Function Call

This results into error:
‘this’ : can only be referenced inside non-static member functions or non-static data member initializers

So far I found this:

UWorld* wworld = GEngine->GameViewport->GetWorld();

and it’s works. But I don’t know if I use it correctly.

Sorry i was using my phone last time , now i corrected it , best use it to avoid any issue

Thanks a lot for your help

This is exactly what solves the issue for me.