How to update Pawn movement from Client to Server like Character

Hey guys, i’m having a really big headache with this. My multiplayer game is being built using pawns and they don’t replicate movement like a Character Actor and i can’t add a movement component to it(Possibly where rpc is being done).

My character move around by input set update its position each tick is not working well. How can i solve this? Here is a pic on how i’m currently doing a poor job at it.

Well i found the answer to my question. But i guess other people may have issues like this so i’ll show where i found it.
There is a post showing how they did it.

There is a playlist on unreal’s youtube list that explain’s some mechanics as well.

Thank you for linking this thread! Solved a lot of headaches for myself… GJ! :slight_smile:

the playlist and demo file no longer work, so this thread should be deleted?