Modular Pieces and lightmass problems, what is the best way to go?

Hi Comunity!
as I have read [HERE][1] there is a known problem that exists with Lightmass problems and seams on modular pieces.
But I want to understand better the problem and the best way to go to work around it. I hope this question can be very usefull for artists/designers new to UE world.

So, first of all, looking for some general and multipurpose asset to make some test (build some sketch… play with bluprints… etc…) i have created very basic geometries with just 6 quad faces (12 tris) for each asset. I also UVmapped the assets using one modular texture (with some floors, walls, and others tileable variations…) so I have one material-uvmapped that drive almost the entire scene… in it i have 1 normalmap and some grayscale/B/W maps to mask colors and also mask metals-non metals (so i have some metallic parts almos evrywere (just test…).
So that way i have (as know problem) bad lighting visualization:

example of piece:


With more uniform lights ballance the result is better but the seams/difference of lightmass it’s always visible.
So I have started to study some Marketplace Demos Assets to see how the UE4 Pro are creating assets for…

In most cases (as suggested in the other answerhub question) You need to try to hide some seams with others geometries, and you can find that way in the Shooter demo or avoid modularity at all as you can see in Realistic Rendering demo where the floor and the walls are “one pice”.

BUT in the Reflexion Subway Demo you find modular Floors and Walls! and they look very very good. So in this case (that is the most similar to what I want to archive) why the modular floor it’s looking so good? I also see that the main diference between my modular floor and the subway floor are:
1-subway floor mesh it’s flat (one face)
2-subway floor mesh have a dense topology (a lot of quads/tris) (my mesh floor it’s only one quad for each cubeface)
3-subway floor have a grunge and complex material/shader (my mat it’s simple and flat (just mask colors and metallic-nonMetallic separation).

so why in Subway demo you are using modular pieces and works very well? a lot of optimization/post effect?

thank u! :wink:

The problem exist on subway demo, look at this picture

I guess the first easy solution is detailling your material. I’m not a pro I can’t help you more. :slight_smile:

Edit: look Lighting problem on Modular floor tiles. - Rendering - Unreal Engine Forums

Right-click “Creating single static mesh from selected actors” and replacing the single ones could be a workaround

Oh jeez no… Did I say anything?

So adding 'Force Volumetric Lightmap" in the object might help

The real fix today is to use the unofficial GPU Lightmass with proper lightmap UVs. Epic is working on integrating an even improved version of GPULM - the old Lightmass from UE3 that still ships with UE4 today is end-of-life and won’t be updated anymore. In the meantime, workaround as you did, or use GPULM.

Well, if Lightmass is calculating light / shadow for surfaces of single meshes (comprising one larger object such as a wall or floor) at different parts of the structure, then it’s calculating light at different angles, bounce influences, and falloff amount per single mesh face. But that shouldn’t show up as seams, wherein is a problem with the UV lightmap technique in general. Lightmaps should be reserved for specific cases in which that lighting and shadowing exists in approximate isolation from the geometry around it. For example, the bottom of a swimming pool, or the surface of a rug, where there’s an obvious seam, or immediate and pronounced transition, from one texture to another. Otherwise, why would it be correct is a ton of scenes, and not correct in other scenes, such as using modular meshes?
