How can I have a UPROPERTY on a UActorComponent that allows to select other UActorComponents in the editor?

I have a UTextRenderComponent on an actor that I need to access from another component. What is the preferred way of doing this? I’ve tried putting a UPROPERTY on my component, but when I select the text render component from the dropdown in the editor, it doesn’t select the text render component I made. Instead, it creates a new text render component that it says is inhereted from native c++, and then I can’t delete it. Is this maybe a bug?

// Snippet of only the important code
class UCountdown : public UActorComponent


	UTextRenderComponent* CountdownText;

what you need is a UPROPERTY where you can set references to other components, right now you’re replacing your component with the only possible component that fits the declaration: your component.
If you need access to your component from blueprints, try setting the UPROPERTY to “BlueprintReadWrite”.