Adding default components for UMG in C++

I followed this tutorial and defined a UIventory class. This inventory has some default components such as text and buttons that I would like to change in code later.

If UIventory were an actor class, I would have created a member variable like UTextRenderComponent* Title; and in the constructor, wrote Title = CreateDefaultSubobject(TEXT("Title"));. I’m attempting to do the same right now by storing a UTextBlock* variable and using CreateDefaultSubobject on it, but when I create a new widget blueprint in the editor and use UInventory as the parent class, no text component shows up.

How do I properly create UMG components in code? Or can I not pre-define components–and if so, how can I work them them?

They wouldn’t be components, they’d be widget’s right? Anyway, have you found out more about this?