Opacity Without overlaping/stacking faces?

When I use the opacity input of a material, the transparent sides overlap and layer on top resulting in chunks of darker sections.

is there any way to basically look at a solid silhouette and then make it transparent?

Hmm, not sure if it works but have you tried additive and modulate versions? (instead of transparancy)

Your answer lies somewhere in the depth buffer, or culling occluded pixels to be precise. See [this post][1].

I stumbled upon your question yesterday because I was trying to achieve something similar. However I’m rendering my ghosts completely unshaded, making it somewhat simpler.

Here is what I achieved:

And this is the Post Processing material I used for it:

To implement this, you need to:

  1. Give you ghost mesh a basic white, opaque, unlit surface material

  2. For this mesh, enable ‘Render Custom Depth’ and disable ‘Render in Main Pass’

  3. Create a Post Processing Volume for your level and enable ‘Unbound’

  4. in Post Process Settings > Misc > Blendables, add the beforementioned material

Hope this helps.

Would it be possible to make this translucent material white?

It’s been a while, but see where I multiplied the PostProcessInput by 0.5, on the bottom.
I imagine that this was used to darken the SceneTexture where the silhouette is visible.
Try using a multiplier of 2 instead of 0.5, this should brighten the output, making a white ghost.