Win64 packaged build in 4.8.2 ERROR: BUILD FAILED Exception in mscorlib: Access to the path

trying to generate a packaged build in 4.8.2 (worked in 4.8.0 and prev)
in this case just took the advanced car demo project

BuildCommand.Execute: ERROR: BUILD FAILED
Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception:
Program.Main: Program.Main: ERROR: Exception in mscorlib: Access to the path ‘D:\development\DEV\experimental\dsc\Advanced_car_482\Intermediate\Staging\Advanced_car_482.exe’ is denied.

current workaround was to change the automation tool

before the File.Copy(InputFile…) of StageBootstrapExecutable ln90ish added the following

		FileAttributes attrs = File.GetAttributes(InputFile);
		if (attrs.HasFlag(FileAttributes.ReadOnly))
			File.SetAttributes(InputFile, attrs & ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly);