Make something disappear

Hi, I am new to the whole game dev thing so I’m sorry if my questions are stupid. So my level is kinda big and I wanted to make it easier to play by making things that you dont see disappear. I know there is the Streaming levels option but I don’t know how to use that yet and I want to try this. So my question is how do I use a trigger volume to make something “Not Visible” when you pass through the volume, and no matter how many times you touch the volume, this “something” should stay invisible so that I can make it “Visible only” with another volume. (I tried the toggle visibility but it turns the item visible again when you touch it again.

Thank you in advance !

P.S: Please see if you can answer some of my 2 other questions since noone did:

There’s also a node to set the visibility directly. Use SetVisibility rather than ToggleVisibility.