Downloading content examples without Launcher?

I can’t use the Launcher to download on either Mac OS or Linux, and not for lack of trying. Linux has no Launcher and the one on Mac OS simply refuses to work properly. So is there a way I can get around using the Launcher to obtain content? It seems as if the WebView inside the launcher could simply be broken out onto a web page, where people could more conveniently download their content. Is there a way for me to do that, or will I have to wait until the Launcher team more correctly supports a platform that isn’t Windows?

on ubuntu, I tried to download “Open World Demo Collection” using chromium. It said would call xdg-open to my request like com.epicgames.launcher://ue/marketplace/items/... and that doesnt seem to be a link that we could directly download in any way (the “…” was my request code), but nothing happened…