Cannot extend interface, use "implements"

Hey all,

I have a simple interface that I’m trying to inherit from, but I keep getting the following error:

Class ‘WalkingMovementState’ cannot extend interface ‘MovementStateInterface’, use ‘implements’

I’m making my changes in a local copy of the release branch from GitHub (so that puts me on 4.8.2 I believe).

Code Below:


#pragma once

#include "MovementStateInterface.generated.h"

UINTERFACE(MinimalApi, meta = (CannotImplementInterfaceInBlueprint))
class UMovementStateInterface : public UInterface

class ENGINE_API IMovementStateInterface
	virtual void OnEnterState() {};
	virtual void OnExitState() {};
	virtual void Update() = 0;
	virtual const FString& GetMovementStateName() const = 0;

(WalkingMovementState.h) - Where the error is popping up.

#pragma once

#include "GameFramework/MovementStateInterface.h"

#include "WalkingMovementState.generated.h"

class ENGINE_API UWalkingMovementState : public IMovementStateInterface

	UWalkingMovementState(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer = FObjectInitializer::Get());

	virtual void Update() override;
	virtual const FString& GetMovementStateName() const override;

Any Ideas?

Originally Posted by -

I found the problem. UCLASS was used but there were no UObject parents (just the interface). The solution is either to drop the UCLASS macro, or just add UObject as a parent.