Cast to character BP from AI controller

So far I created all my AI-logic in a character blueprint. Now I’d like to restructure my project to utilize Behavior Trees.

I created an AI Controller. I point to it in my character BP under [Pawn>AI Controller Class]
Now I’d like to re-use a some variables I already created in my character BP.
For that in my new AI Controller I tried to [Cast to “my character BP”]. Unfortunately I can’t figure out what to use as an “Object” input in the [Cast to …] node.
In tried many nodes, like [Try get Pawn Owner], [Get Owner] … etc, but wasn’t successful.

Any ideas how I could cast to my character BP from my AI Controller, or how to generally communicate between them?


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I figured it out:
It’s the [Get Controlled Pawn] node that goes into the Object input of the [Cast to …] node.

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