Nested blueprint classes (prefabs) not working beyond single level


Binary from launcher

build version




‘composite blueprint workflow’ only seems to work 1 level deep. As soon as you try to make a composite blueprint of a number of other composite blueprints, strange things happen.

to reproduce

method 1

  1. create a new default level
  2. using some assets from the starterContent, build a house (scr 1.)
  3. select all these assets
  4. create a blueprint class by clicking Blueprints > Convert Selected Components to Blueprint Class… (naming this “house”)
  5. save everything
  6. add another house instance to the scene (scr. 3)
  7. select both and convert selected components to blueprint class (naming this one “street”) result is that the houses are cleared from the scene and replaced with a broken street instance

method 2

  1. in the content browser create a new blueprint class, with Actor as parent class (naming this “house2”)
  2. open up this blueprint and in the viewport, construct a house like before by dragging assets from the content browser to the viewport of the blueprint editor (scr. 5)
  3. create a new default level
  4. drag in 2 house2 instances to create a street as before
  5. convert selected components to blueprint class (naming this “street2”) Unreal now crashes

continuing on with method 3

  1. restart the project
  2. in the content browser create a new blueprint class, with Actor as parent
    class (naming this “street2”)
  3. open up this blueprint and in the viewport, construct a street like before
    by dragging house2 assets from the content browser to the viewport of the blueprint
    editor (scr. 6)
  4. close the blueprint editor and save everything
  5. open a new level and drag in an instance of street2 (scr. 7)

a couple of “interesting” things happen now:

  • While dragging around the street2, (Deleted Actor) objects appear in the world outliner. The list gets longer as long as I keep dragging around the asset.
  • In the viewport, the asset is jumping all over the place.
  • Opposed to single level composite blueprints (the houses), the child components are now exposed in the world outliner (we can see two house instances as children to our street2 instance). When trying to select any of these, the selection instantly jump to the parent, in this case the street2 instance.

Hello bas_h,

I was able to reproduce this issue on our end. I have written up a report ( UE-19971) and I have submitted it to the developers for further consideration. I will provide updates with any pertinent information as it becomes available. Thank you for your time and information.

Make it a great day