Can't find a node for rotating world aligned texture


I am working on a material function for a tiled floor/ceiling texture, which I intend to use as a master material to create instances from. All floors and ceilings in my project are 64x64, and as such it should not be too hard.

The problem I have is that upon applying it to a floor in my project I found that rotated by 180 degrees. Theoretically this shouldn’t be to hard to solve… had it not been using a WorldAlignedTexture node. If I had a TextureSample node, I should have been able to flip/rotate the UV there.

This is where it starts getting ugly. The WorldAlignedTexture node only accepts a Textured2D input, so I can’t plug a TextureSample into it. The TextureObject node which I have to use only has an output, so I can’t flip the UV at that point. Next, the texture output from the WorldAlignedTexture node apparently outputs a float value. I can’t plug that in to the Tex input on a TextureSample node in a material function, hence I can’t flip the UVs there. I’ve gotten the impression that the CustomRotator node would be a good choice for flipping/rotating my UV, but again, that actually requires a TextureSample node to plug in to since the inputs/output of CustomRotator are UVs only (as opposed to entire Texture objects).

Whilst I could theoretically rotate the texture in a graphics editing application (in my case, GIMP), I’m trying to avoid editing the source textures at all. How would I go about rotating the texture in my WorldAlignedMaterial?

Current Material Function


For the keen-eyed of you, I am using a very mildly modified version of the WorldAlignedMaterial (which I’ve placed within my project content and named MF_WorldAlignedMaterial). The only modification I’ve made is following RyanB’s answer from this thread ([Nearest texture filtering not compatible with the TextureObject function? - Asset Creation - Unreal Engine Forums][2]) as my texture is supposed to be pixellated like it’s 1994 all over again. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, the texture I’ve plugged into the Preview input of the Texture2D input node is a temporary one (and not the one I intend to use it on) to make it easier to see that I have gotten it rotated correctly.

If you set it up yourself it is easy to add. Because the rotator node just works for me: