How to get MAC network address?

Hi, I need to compile a specific build of my game to run on a single computer, so I was thinking in get the MAC address of that specific computer and compare it as a constant in C++ code.

But if anyone have a suggestion on how to run a game on a very specific computer, I would appreciate the information!


Wow, I don’t know why I didn’t find it here! Thanks!

Use API refrence to search for functions you need, all i needed was one search :stuck_out_tongue:

Note that it uses array of uint8’s (one byte, which takes 2 hex digits of mac address). Also if you don’t know, hex numbers in C++ you do this way 0xFF ;]

Also importent note, it easy to modify MAC address, if somebody knows where to look it can easily “hack” your game

1 Like Not works for me , i use actor component attached to actor ?! Somebody please maybe parsing needed . i want to print value on debug screen…