How to cast from MyCharcaterPawn to Pawn

I want to cast MyPawnCharacter to Pawn. I’m tyring to use Posses() function to take control on another Pawn, but Posses() needs Pawn variable. I have problem with syntax. Any help?

It’s something like this

void MyPlayerController::ChangePlayer()
	MyGameMode* GM = (MyGameMode*)GetWorld()->GetAuthGameMode();

	AMyCharacter* PawnFromWorld = GM->SpawnedPawn;
	APawn* PawnToPosses = Cast<APawn>(PawnFromWorld);//////// <---???????
	Possess(PawnToPosses );

Your game mode code has potential problems. You should use:

MyGameMode* GM = Cast<MyGameMode>(GetWorld()->GetAuthGameMode());


MyGameMode* GM = GetWorld()->GetAuthGameMode<MyGameMode>();

and then


You don’t need an explicit cast for the SpawnedPawn because the compiler knows they are the right type due to Character inheriting from Pawn

Thank you once again joeGraf! I had to include MyCharacterPawn also but everything works great now. Thanks.