Can't make my spawned static mesh get destroyed through touch/OnClicked input!?

So if u go to this video ( Making a Simple Converyor Volume | Live Training | Unreal Engine - YouTube ) at 10:05 I made an actor#1 that spawns static meshes through “Set Relative location”. Then I made another actor#2 that spawns actor#1, but spawns it constantly without stopping like so in the video. My goal was to make it so that when I click on the spawned static mesh it would get destroyed. So I tried putting onClicked or Touch input and connect it to the destroy component in the event graph blueprint in actor#1(witch spawns the mesh), but it’s not working for someone reason and I’m seriously stuck. Much help appreciated!

Imgur: The magic of the Internet - Actor#2
Imgur: The magic of the Internet - Actor#1 construction script
Imgur: The magic of the Internet - Actor#1 Event graph

on click/on touch events only work when enabled on the player controller.

you can add the events to the actors, but just nothing happens, unless enabled first.
you would also need to enable the mouse cursor to let you hover over or click the actor.