Extreme Light Jump Between LOD's

We are working on a forest scene using the Directional light to do most of the lighting and have come across an issue when our LOD’s change. The lighting changes dramatically in some of the assets, even though the lightmaps are closely matched.

Change example:

To create the assets we used photogrammetry and reduction of the LOD’s was created using simplygon, but we have not had an issue with the lighting until now. Here’s the lightmaps for this asset:

We have tried changing the lightmaps and playing around with the lightmap resolution (Currently at the default of 64 for optimisation), but this error still occurs in certain assets.

Here is the directional light and exponential Height fog settings we are using:

Any suggestions for altering the assets or settings would be appreciated.



The issue has not been resolved in the end. We have it across most of the lods. Anyone else experienced this?

Heres a continuation of these issue in our cliff assets:

And a selection of objects in the starting area:

If I move objects they seem fine, but once I build light we get the extreme jumps in light information. Assets currently have a lightmap resolution of between 512, 256 and 128. The lightmaps are all fine and we there are no warnings on the build. This happens once the LOD’s are imported and now that I’ve LOD’d the assets it’s happening to pretty much everything in stark light.

So I’ve fixed this, for now.

I set all my lights (Directional and skylight) to moveable and it stopped the popping. I have no idea why this fixed it, but apparently it has. If anyone can shed light on this I’d appreciate it.

