Is there a good way to keep slider position after resetting game?

I have a slider setting FOV and I have the text changing beside it to show the FOV angle. After it is done scrolling it saves that float to the save blueprint. All of the code for the settings are in my game instance blueprint. When you exit out of the game and go back to settings, the slider is at the left (At 0 position). the FOV that was saved was applied so the FOV is still correct but my slider is in the wrong place. I am saving the slider position (0-1) and not the actual displayed float angle.

Does anyone have a good way to keep this slider position that they could share? Thanks!

Attached is my slider code. for getting the values, Slider Raw Data is the (0-1) value from the slider and FOV Display Float is the FOV angle that I display.

Got it. For anyone wanting to use this…
This is in my GameInstance Blueprint so the button is cast from the setting menu widget. The slider float (0-1) “FOVRaw” is saved to a slot “FOV_Raw” and loaded back in when the game is turned on and every time the settings menu is opened, just as I did for all other settings, and is used to set the slider position at load “FOVSliderLocation”, then calculated to set the text “FOVAngleText” and to set the Field of view on the FirstPersonCharacter Blueprint. Once the slider is moved again it sets the “FOVSliderLocation”, that was set by loading the game, to the slider float “FOVRaw”, otherwise the slider will not move when you try to.

As for the calculation, set a min and max FOV angle (I used 90 and 120), make them editable. This sets the scaling.