Bind Event from within blueprint macro library

I’d like to create a macro for displaying a widget for a confirmation dialogue, and having two seperate (latent) pins depending on if the user accepted or denied. However, even though I can create the widget (and macros support latent actions), I cannot create the “Bind To” node to bind to the corresponding Accept/Decline events on the widget.

Is this a limitation with macro libraries?

In the macro function

In an event graph (in this case of another widget)

Same issue here. Any updates on this?


I discovered that its impossible to call an event delegate inside of a macro.
Trying to do so directly silently fails and when I tried to collapse a delegate call into a macro, it produced an error message.

However, it was possible to call the delegate inside a function though.
You might want to use functions and avoid macros because of that limitation.


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