Unable to download UE 4.8 or 4.7 even when launcher is installed

Hi… I have just downloaded the epic launcher.I have installed it.But it is unable to download UE. It keep showing waiting state.I am using Windows 10.My configuration are i5 4th gen, 4 GB RAM.

Hi abhi139,

Thank you for trying the standard fixes before posting. We are currently investigating a string of ‘Please Wait’ issues.

First, try adding the following as an exception to your firewall and see if that fixes the issue.

xmpp-service-prod.ol.epicgames.com port 5222

If that doesn’t work, follow the steps here to generate your Debug Logs? Post them here, along with your Dxdiag (system specs).

My friend has this problem and asked if I could troubleshoot it.
I tried all the steps recommended and none of it worked, so I reinstalled the whole thing then ran as admin. (he was using windows 10)
It fixed it and the installation started. I also disabled firewall.

Hopefully this helps!

@Mannn776 did not just reinstalled it, he made sure that all files were gone. i was missing a file/fold that he had on his computer, so after that it would allow me to download the UE.

Hi everyone,

For anyone else having this issue. Give the workaround posted here a try. Let us know how it goes.
