Awkward access to BP nodes

Hi Epic

In the screenshot below the material nodes are accessed in different ways. The top node I can get from a drop list but for the second I need to have first created a static mesh in the blueprint and dropped it into the graph as a variable. I do understand that an element index is specific to a static mesh and not a material instance and I also understand that the BP code would be less efficient if every possibility existed at all times for every node.

However for learning BP and also to get to grips with variable types and just getting a rounded idea of how a node can be used for the non-coder, having nodes that require a significant prerequisite just to access them massively increases the learning curve for blueprints. I suggest either a significant boost in the cross referencing of nodes in your documentation or a system to allow the user to see the variations of the general node accessed.

Example: What I see when nodes are hidden behind a prerequisite like this are inaccessible features which I then try to hunt down. I’m currently writing a BP data driven material instance selector construction script and although I have it working I think it’s a sloppy work around and I don’t know if this is because I’m a self taught coder who is doing it all the wrong way and can’t find the nodes because they don’t exist or because I can’t find the nodes I need because I haven’t prepared a prequisite.

(edited for typo)
