Change text by hovering a button

Within my settings menu I want to add an info bar that shows a bit of information about the item the mouse is hovering above. I currently managed to change the text by adding a binding to the content of the text in which I added a text variable that could be accessed by individual borders.
Within each border, I created a “OnMouseMove” event that basically sets the related text within the info field.
This works fine and if I hover my mouse over each setting the information changes accordingly. However, when I take the mouse away from the settings I want to return the information text to blank again instead of showing the last hovered item info.
Does anyone know how to do this? I tried fixing this the bungler way by adding a big border behind the whole settings menu and also giving it the OnMouseMove event with basically entering blank text. Not only would this not work on different resolutions, it decreases my FPS with more than 5 frames so it’s definitely not worth it.

I’m looking for some kind of way to reverse the script as soon as the mouse leaves the border. I tried using the “IsHovered” function but this can only give a boolean output making the text only show “true” or “false” instead of actual text.

Any help is appreciated.

for UMG widgets, “Event On Mouse Enter” and “Event On Mouse Leave” only trigger when the mouse cursor either enters or leaves the widget.

Do you have any idea how to replicate a similar function for within individual widget buttons themselves? To what I’ve found, only “OnMouseMove” comes close but only registers when the mouse enters the border, not leaving.

Sorry, thats what i meant, the mouse over affects buttons IN the widget.
but you need to enable the “on mouse enter” and “on mouse leave” per button.

it should be as easy as selecting the button, and clicking the relevant event from the list (on my setup its the bottom right, you get a long list of + buttons, click the plus to add the event, eg + On Mouse Enter)

If your still stuck, i’ll see if i can send a screenshot, just let me know.

Could you show me a screenshot? If I click on a border, button or slider, the list of available events is very short and does not include Mouse over, enter or leave. Only within the widget graph I can find the mouse enter and leave nodes but I don’t know how to use these nodes for the buttons or borders within the widget.

This images gives you an idea of how my settings tab looks like with the borders around the various settings and an info text that’s variable below.